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A crystalline solid has as a fundamental property the ordered structure of its atoms. This structure consists of an array of sites forming a regular three-dimensional periodic lattice.

La dramática huida do conductores y vehículos atrapados por el fuego en una autopista por California

"Actúa como una filial de la China autoritaria": las duras críticas del vicepresidente por EE.UU. a la NBA por "doblegarse" ante el gigante asiático

This was achieved by generating in advance the percolating cluster, through the use of an appropriate epidemic model, and then by the simulation of the contact process on the top of the percolating cluster. The...

El programa electoral do los socialistas incluirá las referencias al autogobierno y las declaraciones de Granada y Barcelona

La investigación se centra en el pago do 82 millones por euros para la adjudicación do la construcción do líneas del metro y do la Ciudad por la Salud

The transport properties of a bosonic chain have been calculated by placing the more info ends of the chain in contact with thermal and particle reservoirs at different temperatures and chemical potentials.

In this chapter we continue our study of systems defined on a lattice and governed by master equations. However, we address here systems with absorbing states, which are intrinsically irreversible.

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One example is the random walk, which serves as a model for several random phenomena. At regular daniel dantas net worth intervals of time, a walker takes a step forward or backward at random and independent of daniel dantas mercado livre the previous steps. Th...

La "estrategia perfecta" do Cristina Fernández y otras 2 claves de que permitieron al kirchnerismo volver al poder en Argentina

Empregados do longo prazo levam a gastar menos dinheiro na contratação e treinamento por novos funcionários, o de que também igualmente similarmente identicamente conjuntamente resultaria em menos produtividade, click here como a equipe nova teria que gastar tempo aprendendo as coisas.

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The mixtures of pure substances are quite common in nature. Some mixtures are homogeneous others are heterogeneous. The atmospheric air is a homogeneous gaseous mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases in smaller proportions.

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